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I. Definitions

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions shall apply:

  1. “Seller” means 25 COFFEE ROASTERS s.r.o., Company ID: 199 77 123, with registered office at Roztocká 45/37, Sedlec (Prague 6), 160 00 Prague, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 394930.
  2. “Buyer” means any person who intends to enter into a purchase agreement with the Seller or enters into such an agreement via the Online Store at
  3. “Consumer” means a Buyer who acts outside the scope of their business or independent professional activity when dealing with the Seller.
  4. “Entrepreneur” means a Buyer who acts within the scope of their business activities on their own account and responsibility with the intent to do so continuously for the purpose of profit.
  5. “Parties” means the Seller and the Buyer.
  6. “Online Store” means the store operated by the Seller on the website
  7. “Agreement” means the purchase agreement concluded between the Seller and the Buyer via the Online Store.

II. Basic Provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions apply to the conclusion of Agreements where the subject is the goods offered by the Seller through remote communication means in the Online Store and are an integral part of such Agreements.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, these Terms and Conditions apply to all relations between the Seller and the Buyer. Matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions are governed by the legal order of the Czech Republic (hereinafter “Governing Law”). If the Buyer is a Consumer and their rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions and the Governing Law are regulated differently by the legal order of the country of their domicile, the more favorable legal regulation for the Consumer shall apply.
  3. The costs of using remote communication means for concluding the Agreement are borne entirely by the Buyer. The amount of these costs depends on the terms of the telecommunications service provider used by the Buyer to conclude the Agreement. No special fees for the use of remote communication means are charged by the Seller.
  4. The Seller acts within their business and entrepreneurial activities when concluding and performing Agreements under these Terms and Conditions.
  5. The current contact details of the Seller are provided in the Online Store under the "Contact" section.

III. Goods

  1. The presentation in the Online Store includes information about the currently available goods offered by the Seller for sale, including prices, possible variations, and other relevant information related to specific goods; the presentation is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered an offer to conclude an Agreement.
  2. The purchase price of goods in the Online Store is stated including VAT and all related fees. The purchase price of goods remains valid for the period during which it is indicated in the Online Store. Information about the costs of delivering the goods is provided in Article V of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. Information about the goods, particularly their price, main features, variations, and nature, is provided in the Online Store. All information related to the goods provided in the Online Store, such as photographs, etc., is based on the information available to the Seller at the time of posting and the goods may differ slightly from this information. A permissible difference in weight and dimensions is +/- 5%, and any difference within this range is not considered a defect but a mutually accepted deviation. The Seller reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the description of the goods to align it with reality without notifying the Buyer.
  4. The availability of goods listed in the Online Store may be limited in time and quantity, as indicated in specific cases for the goods in the Online Store.
  5. The Seller reserves the right to limit the maximum number of purchases of specific goods that a single Buyer can make to ensure fair purchasing opportunities for all Buyers. Any such limitation is always indicated in the description of the specific goods in the Online Store.
  6. If the Seller offers any promotion in the Online Store with its own terms and conditions, the terms of the promotion take precedence over these Terms and Conditions; however, if any provision of the promotion terms is invalid or unenforceable, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply instead. The promotion may be limited in time and/or quantity, or may have other additional conditions and limitations. The Seller has the right to cancel such promotion at any time.

IV. Information Before Agreement Conclusion and Agreement Conclusion Procedure

  1. Before concluding the Agreement, the Seller provides the Consumer with the following information:

1.1. Information about the goods and their price is published as per Article III, paragraph 3 of these Terms and Conditions;

1.2. Information about the identity of the Seller is provided in Article I of these Terms and Conditions;

1.3. Contact information for the Seller is published as per Article II, paragraph 5 of these Terms and Conditions;

1.4. The Seller's place of business is located at Roztocká 45/37, Sedlec, 160 00 Prague;

1.5. Information about the total price of goods including all fees and delivery costs is published as per Article IV, paragraph 4 of these Terms and Conditions;

1.6. The price of the goods is not tailored to the Consumer based on automated decision-making;

1.7. Information about the costs of remote communication means is provided in Article II, paragraph 3 of these Terms and Conditions;

1.8. Possible payment methods are listed in Article VI of these Terms and Conditions, and possible delivery methods and delivery times are listed in Article V, paragraphs 1 to 6 of these Terms and Conditions;

1.9. Conditions, deadlines, and procedures for exercising the right to withdraw from the Agreement by the Consumer are provided in Article VII of these Terms and Conditions;

1.10. Information about rights arising from defective performance, as well as warranty rights and other conditions for exercising these rights, are provided in Article IX of these Terms and Conditions;

1.11. The Seller is not bound by any codes of conduct in relation to the Consumer as per Section 1820(1)(n) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code of the Czech Republic, as amended (hereinafter “Civil Code”);

1.12. The Agreement is concluded as a one-time contract, not for an indefinite period, does not involve repeated performance, and the obligations under the Agreement are not automatically renewed;

1.13. The Consumer is not required to make any deposit or similar payment before concluding the Agreement; this does not affect the Buyer's option to choose to pay the purchase price and delivery costs in advance by credit card online or bank transfer as per Article VI of these Terms and Conditions;

1.14. The subject of the Agreement does not involve digital content services or items with digital properties;

1.15. The Consumer can address any complaint to the Seller via email at: [email protected], and can further file a complaint against the Seller's conduct to the supervisory or regulatory authority, which in matters of consumer protection is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its registered office at Štěpánská 796/44, 110 00 Prague 1, email: [email protected], and in matters of personal data protection, the Office for Personal Data Protection, with its registered office at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7, website: The Consumer also has the right to use out-of-court dispute resolution; the entity providing out-of-court dispute resolution in this case is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (,

  1. These Terms and Conditions are drafted in the Czech language. The Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer is concluded in the Czech language.
  2. By submitting an order through the Online Store, the Buyer agrees to conclude the Agreement remotely via remote communication means.
  3. The technical steps leading to the conclusion of the Agreement are as follows:

4.1. After entering the Online Store website in the internet browser, the Buyer will see the offer of goods and can choose specific goods and the desired quantity.

4.2. Once the Buyer selects specific goods from the Seller's offer, detailed information about the goods, including price and available variations and quantities, will be displayed.

4.3. The Buyer selects the desired quantity and adds the goods to the electronic shopping cart by clicking on the "ADD TO CART" button. The electronic shopping cart is accessible to the Buyer at any time during the purchase by clicking on the "cart" button.

4.4. If the electronic shopping cart contains all the items desired by the Buyer, they can proceed to complete the order by clicking on the "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT" button.

4.5. After clicking on the "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT" button, a summary of the selected goods will be displayed, containing the designation of the goods for each item added to the electronic shopping cart, the chosen quantity, and the total price of the goods consisting of the sum of the prices of all items. The Buyer also has the option to fill in billing details, specifically email address, phone number, first name and last name, address (street, number, city, postal code, and country); the Buyer is obliged to fill in all these details truthfully, as it is not possible to complete the order in the Online Store without filling in these details. If necessary, the Buyer can provide additional details, such as company name, Company ID, VAT number, or delivery address details if the goods are to be delivered to an address different from the billing address, and possibly also a note written in free form related to the order. The Buyer also has the option to choose one of the offered delivery methods, with the price of each option displayed, as well as one of the possible payment methods for the goods. After choosing the delivery method and payment method for the goods, the total price of the goods, including all fees and delivery costs, and any payment for the chosen payment method for the goods will be displayed. The Buyer also has the option to review the contents of the electronic shopping cart and other filled details before confirming the order and change these details if necessary. By checking the appropriate box, the Buyer confirms that they have read these Terms and Conditions, which are accessible from this place by clicking on the "Terms and Conditions" link, including the pre-contractual information provided in paragraph 1 of this Article, and chooses whether they agree to receive commercial communications to the email address provided within the delivery details, and by checking the appropriate box, the Buyer confirms that they have read the personal data protection conditions, which are accessible from this place by clicking on the "Personal Data Protection Conditions" link.

4.6. If the Buyer agrees with the contents of the electronic shopping cart and has properly filled in at least the billing details, they can complete the order process by clicking on the "ORDER WITH OBLIGATION TO PAY" button.

4.7. If the Buyer chooses the option of online payment by credit card, they will be redirected to a website with a payment gateway operated by a person different from the Seller, allowing online card payment after sending the order.

4.8. The Agreement is concluded at the moment the Seller confirms the Buyer's order.

  1. If the Buyer enters any text in the "Note" field when filling out the order, this text does not become part of the Agreement and its content is not binding for the Seller.
  2. The Seller shall send the Buyer confirmation of receipt of the order without undue delay after receiving the order, or confirmation of acceptance of the order.
  3. The Agreement is concluded at the moment the Seller confirms the receipt of the Buyer's order. These Terms and Conditions of the Seller are an integral part of the confirmation of the Agreement. The Buyer agrees that the confirmation of the Agreement shall be issued and sent to them electronically, thus replacing the Seller's obligation to provide the Buyer with confirmation in written form.
  4. The Seller stores the concluded Agreements and received orders in electronic form and keeps and archives them for a period of 5 years, or longer if such an obligation is imposed by legal regulations. The Seller does not allow access to archived Agreements to any other person. The Seller will allow the Consumer access to the Agreement they concluded with the Seller if the Consumer requests it in writing by email sent to [email protected]. The Consumer must clearly identify the requested Agreement in such an email by at least the date of its conclusion, the subject of the purchase, and the number of the respective order.
  5. If the specific goods that are the subject of the Agreement are no longer manufactured, not supplied, not in stock, or unavailable, the Agreement shall be terminated due to subsequent impossibility of performance, and the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer without undue delay (order cancellation). If the Buyer has already paid the full or partial purchase price for the specific goods, this amount will be transferred back to the Buyer's bank account.
  6. The Buyer acquires ownership of the delivered goods only upon full payment of the purchase price and delivery costs, or upon delivery of the goods, whichever occurs later.
  7. If there is an obvious technical error on the part of the Seller in stating the price of the goods in the Online Store or during the ordering process, the Seller is not obliged to deliver the goods to the Buyer at this clearly incorrect price, even if the Buyer received confirmation of order acceptance. The Seller informs the Buyer about the error without undue delay and sends the Buyer an amended offer to their email address; such an offer is a new proposal for concluding the Agreement and the Agreement is concluded at the moment the Buyer confirms acceptance of the offer to the Seller's email address.
  8. If interested, the Buyer can create a customer account in the Online Store, which can subsequently be used for further orders of goods, with the billing details already pre-filled in the order form. However, the Seller allows the Buyer to purchase goods in the Online Store without creating a customer account.
  9. When registering for a customer account and ordering goods, the Buyer is obliged to provide correct and truthful information. The Buyer is obliged to update the information provided in the customer account whenever it changes. The information provided by the Buyer in the customer account and when ordering goods is considered truthful by the Seller.
  10. Access to the customer account is secured by the username and password chosen by the Buyer. The Buyer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access their customer account. The Seller is not responsible for any misuse of the customer account by third parties.
  11. The Buyer is not entitled to allow third parties to use the customer account.
  12. The Seller may cancel the customer account, especially if the Buyer has not used their user account for more than 6 months or if the Buyer violates their obligations under the Agreement or these Terms and Conditions.
  13. The Buyer acknowledges that the customer account may not be continuously available, especially due to necessary maintenance of the Seller's hardware and software equipment, or necessary maintenance of third-party hardware and software equipment.

V. Delivery Conditions and Costs

  1. Goods are delivered to the address provided by the Buyer as the delivery address when filling out the order.
  2. Personal pickup is possible at the Seller's registered office at Roztocká 45/37, Sedlec, 160 00 Prague.
  3. Goods are shipped via the carrier chosen by the Buyer from the available options presented during the order process.
  4. Delivery costs consist of shipping and packaging fees. Delivery costs are paid by the Buyer.
  5. Delivery time may vary for each item. If the Buyer orders goods with different delivery times within one order, the delivery time is the longest among them.
  6. The Buyer understands that in exceptional cases, the delivery time may be extended due to delays in production or unforeseeable reasons beyond the Seller's control. If the Buyer has not received the goods within the stated delivery time and has not been contacted by the Seller, they can inquire about the estimated delivery time via email at [email protected].
  7. The Seller informs the Buyer about the shipment of goods via email to the email address provided during the order process.
  8. Any additional delivery costs incurred due to subsequent requests by the Buyer after the Seller has handed over the goods for delivery, such as a change in the delivery address, are to be paid by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to accept the goods upon delivery and requests a redelivery, they are obliged to pay for both the initial and redelivery costs.
  9. In case of unjustified refusal to accept the goods by the Buyer, the Seller reserves the right to claim damages.
  10. The Buyer is advised to inspect the condition of the package upon receipt from the carrier and, in case of visible damage (torn or deformed packaging, etc.), to notify the carrier and refuse to accept the goods.
  11. Maximum Order Processing Time Paid orders are dispatched the next business day after payment.

VI. Payment Terms

  1. The Buyer can pay the price of goods and shipping and packaging costs using one of the following methods:

1.1. Online payment by credit card.

1.2. Cashless transfer to the Seller's bank account.

1.3. Cash or credit card at Roztocká 45/37, Sedlec, 160 00 Prague.

VII. Withdrawal from the Agreement by the Consumer

  1. The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement without giving any reason. The Consumer is also entitled to withdraw from the Agreement if the Seller is in default of delivering the goods to the Consumer and fails to fulfill their obligation even within an additional reasonable period provided by the Consumer. The Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement without an additional period only if the Seller has refused to perform or if performance at the specified time is essential given the circumstances of the conclusion of the Agreement or if the Consumer has informed the Seller before concluding the Agreement that delivery at a certain time is essential.
  2. Unless otherwise stated, the withdrawal period is 14 days from the day the Consumer or a third party designated by the Consumer, other than the carrier, takes possession of:

2.1. the last item, if the Consumer orders multiple items in one order that are delivered separately, or

2.2. the last part or piece, if the delivery consists of several parts or pieces, or

2.3. the first delivery of goods, if the Agreement involves regular delivery of goods over a specified period.

  1. The Seller may unilaterally offer the Consumer a longer withdrawal period on a case-by-case basis by publishing such an offer in the Online Store.
  2. The Consumer's right to withdraw from the Agreement cannot be interpreted as a right to borrow the goods for free. The Consumer is responsible to the Seller for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from handling the goods in a manner other than necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics, and functionality of the goods.
  3. The Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement even before the ordered goods are dispatched to them. In such a case, the Consumer avoids paying the costs of returning the goods to the Seller, which the Consumer would otherwise bear. If the Consumer used online payment by credit card, the Seller will promptly transfer the paid amount back to the Buyer's bank account.
  4. The Consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the purchase agreement in the cases specified in the provision:

6.1. for goods made to the Consumer's specifications or clearly personalized;

6.2. for goods that are perishable or have a short shelf life, as well as goods that have been inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery;

6.3. for sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons if they were unsealed after delivery.

  1. To meet the withdrawal deadline, the Consumer must send the withdrawal statement before the withdrawal period expires.
  2. The Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement by any unequivocal written statement made to the Seller. The withdrawal must include at least the Consumer's name and surname, address, contact details (phone number, email address), identification of the Agreement, and the extent to which the Consumer withdraws from the Agreement, as well as the bank account to which the Consumer wants the purchase price and delivery costs refunded.
  3. The Consumer may use the withdrawal form provided by the Seller for withdrawal from the Agreement. The Consumer shall send the withdrawal to the email or postal address of the Seller provided in these Terms and Conditions. The Seller will promptly confirm receipt of the withdrawal form to the Consumer.
  4. If the Consumer withdraws from the Agreement in whole or in part, they are obliged to send the goods to the Seller without undue delay, no later than fourteen days from the withdrawal, to Roztocká 45/37, Sedlec, 160 00 Prague.
  5. The Consumer is obliged to return the goods to the Seller undamaged, unworn, and unsoiled and, if possible, in the original packaging. The Consumer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from handling the goods in a manner other than necessary to ascertain their nature, characteristics, and functionality.
  6. The Consumer bears the costs of returning the goods and the costs associated with returning the goods to the Seller in full. The Consumer is responsible for any damage to the goods during transport from the Consumer to the Seller. Therefore, the Seller recommends that the Consumer sends the returned goods by registered mail and insures them for the appropriate value. If the goods cannot be returned by ordinary postal means due to their nature, the costs of returning the goods to the Seller will correspond to the costs of transport by a third party, such as a shipping company.
  7. The Seller will refund all monetary means provided by the Consumer, i.e., the purchase price of the goods subject to withdrawal and delivery costs, without undue delay, no later than fourteen days from the withdrawal from the Agreement; if the Consumer chose a delivery method other than the least expensive method offered by the Seller, the Seller will refund the Consumer the delivery costs up to the amount corresponding to the least expensive delivery method. If the Agreement involved multiple items and the Consumer withdrew from the Agreement only concerning some of these items, the Seller will refund the delivery costs only to the extent that they exceed the costs of delivering the remaining items not subject to withdrawal.
  8. The Seller is not obliged to refund the purchase price of the goods subject to withdrawal or the delivery costs until they receive the goods at Roztocká 45/37, Sedlec, 160 00 Prague.
  9. The provision of discount coupons to the Consumer is a unilateral legal act of the Seller. If the Consumer withdraws from the Agreement concerning goods for which they used a discount coupon in whole or in part, they are not entitled to a cash refund of the discount coupon or any other compensation. The Consumer is always entitled only to a refund of the actual purchase price paid and the delivery costs.
  10. The Consumer acknowledges that if gifts are provided with the goods, the gift agreement between the Seller and the Consumer is concluded with the condition subsequent that if the Consumer exercises their right to withdraw from the Agreement, the gift agreement is canceled, and the Consumer is obliged to return the provided gifts along with the goods subject to the Agreement, including everything they benefited from. If these are not returned, they will be considered unjust enrichment of the Consumer. If it is not possible to return the subject of unjust enrichment, the Seller has the right to monetary compensation equivalent to the usual price. The Seller may set off the price of the gifts against the monetary means that would otherwise be refunded to the Consumer if the gift agreement is canceled and the gifts are not returned.
  11. By concluding the Agreement, the Consumer agrees that in case of withdrawal from the Agreement, the above monetary means will be refunded in the same manner as received by the Seller from the Consumer, unless otherwise agreed.
  12. The Seller is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement due to non-payment of the purchase price of the goods or if the Consumer fails to collect the ordered goods, either in writing or by email to the email address of the Consumer provided in the order. In case of withdrawal, the Seller will refund all monetary means received from the Consumer under the Agreement within 14 days from the notification of withdrawal, in the same manner.

VIII. Contractual Relations with Entrepreneurs

  1. If an Entrepreneur refuses to accept the goods sent by the Seller in accordance with the Agreement, the Entrepreneur is in default of acceptance of the goods at the moment of refusal and is obliged to pay the Seller a contractual penalty of 0.1% of the price of the goods for each day of delay until acceptance of the goods. The contractual penalty does not affect the Seller's right to compensation for damages incurred due to the Entrepreneur's refusal to accept the goods, especially the costs associated with the return transport of the goods to the Seller's warehouse and storage of the goods.
  2. In case of delay in payment of the price of the goods by the Entrepreneur, the Entrepreneur is obliged to pay the Seller, in addition to the statutory interest for delay, a contractual penalty of 0.05% of the price of the goods for each day of delay until full payment. This does not affect the Seller's right to compensation for damages incurred due to the Entrepreneur's delay.
  3. The Seller is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement for any reason or even without giving a reason, especially if the Entrepreneur has unreasonably withdrawn from a previously concluded Agreement, refused to accept the goods, or otherwise abused their rights in relation to the Seller, until the moment of delivery of the goods to the Entrepreneur. If the Entrepreneur has paid the price for the goods in advance via online payment by credit card, the Seller is obliged to refund the paid price to the Entrepreneur's bank account without undue delay.
  4. The Entrepreneur is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.
  5. If interested, the Entrepreneur can register as a wholesale partner in the Online Store; the Seller may, at their discretion and based on their capabilities, provide wholesale partners with a discount on the price of goods or allow other payment methods for the purchase price. Providing discounts or other benefits or allowing other payment methods for the purchase price is solely at the Seller's discretion and is not a legal right.

IX. Rights from Defective Performance

  1. The Seller is liable to the Buyer that the goods are free from defects upon receipt. Unless otherwise stated, the rights of Entrepreneurs from defective performance are governed by the provisions of Section 2099 et seq. of the Civil Code.
  2. The Seller is liable to the Consumer that the goods:

2.1. correspond to the agreed description, type, and quantity, as well as quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability, and other agreed characteristics,

2.2. are suitable for the purpose required by the Buyer and agreed by the Seller, and

2.3. are delivered with agreed accessories and instructions for use, including instructions for use, assembly, or installation.

  1. The Seller is liable to the Consumer that, in addition to the agreed characteristics:

3.1. the goods are suitable for the usual purpose for which goods of this kind are used, taking into account the rights of third parties, legal regulations, technical standards, or codes of conduct of the given industry, if there are no technical standards,

3.2. the goods in terms of quantity, quality, and other characteristics, including durability, functionality, compatibility, and safety, correspond to the usual characteristics of goods of the same kind that the buyer can reasonably expect, taking into account public statements made by the Seller or another person in the same contractual chain, especially in advertising or labeling,

3.3. the goods are delivered with accessories, including packaging, instructions for assembly, and other instructions for use that the Consumer can reasonably expect, and

3.4. the goods correspond to the quality or performance of the sample or model provided by the Seller to the Consumer before concluding the Agreement.

  1. The Consumer can point out a defect that appears on the goods within 2 years of receipt. For used goods, the Consumer can point out a defect within 1 year of receipt. If it is goods with an indicated usage period on the packaging, instructions attached to the goods, or in advertising, the Consumer can point out the defect within the specified period. For fresh raw materials intended for consumption within 24 hours, the defect must be pointed out within 24 hours of receipt.
  2. If a defect appears within 1 year of receipt, it is presumed that the goods were defective upon receipt, unless the nature of the goods or the defect excludes this or if it is goods with a minimum shelf life, expiry date, or another similar form of information.
  3. If the goods have a defect, the Consumer can demand its removal. At their option, they can demand the delivery of new goods without defects or the repair of the goods unless the chosen method of repair is impossible or disproportionately expensive compared to the other.
  4. The Seller will remove the defect within a reasonable period after it is pointed out so as not to cause the Consumer significant inconvenience, considering the nature of the goods and the purpose for which the Consumer bought the goods.
  5. The Seller can refuse to remove the defect if it is impossible or disproportionately expensive, especially considering the significance of the defect and the value that the goods would have without the defect.
  6. The Consumer can demand a reasonable discount or withdraw from the Agreement if:

9.1. the Seller refused to remove the defect or did not remove it in accordance with the law;

9.2. the defect appears repeatedly;

9.3. the defect is a substantial breach of the Agreement, or

9.4. it is evident from the Seller's statement or the circumstances that the defect will not be removed within a reasonable period without undue inconvenience to the Consumer.

  1. The Consumer cannot withdraw from the Agreement if the defect of the goods is insignificant.
  2. If the Consumer withdraws from the Agreement, the Seller will refund the purchase price without undue delay after receiving the goods or after the Consumer proves that they have sent the goods to the Seller.
  3. The Seller is obliged to accept the complaint at any establishment where the complaint can be accepted, or at the registered office or place of business.
  4. Along with the defect notice, the Consumer must inform the Seller of the right they have chosen. They are not entitled to change their choice without the Seller's consent; this does not apply if the Consumer requested the repair of a defect that turns out to be irreparable.
  5. The Seller is obliged to issue the Consumer a written confirmation when a complaint is made, indicating the date when the Consumer made the complaint, the content of the complaint, the manner of handling the complaint requested by the Consumer, and the Consumer's contact details for providing information about handling the complaint.
  6. Complaints, including the removal of defects, must be resolved without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the date of the complaint unless the Seller and the Consumer agree on a longer period.
  7. The costs of delivering the complained goods to the Seller will be reimbursed to the Buyer by the Seller if the complaint was justified.
  8. If the complaint is resolved by delivering new goods, ownership of the defective goods is transferred to the Seller upon delivery of the new goods to the Buyer. If the complaint is resolved by providing a reasonable discount to the Buyer or if the Buyer withdraws from the Agreement, the Seller will refund the corresponding monetary means to the Buyer's bank account, which the Buyer is obliged to provide for this purpose. If the Buyer does not provide the bank account number, their conduct is considered a failure to cooperate in fulfilling the Seller's obligation to refund the monetary means, and the Seller is not in default until the expiration of a reasonable period after the Buyer provides the bank account number.
  9. The Buyer is not entitled to rights from defective performance if the Buyer knew of the defect before accepting the goods, especially if a discount was provided to the Buyer for this defect, or if the Buyer caused the defect. An Entrepreneur can claim rights from defective performance only within five days of accepting the goods, otherwise, these rights expire.
  10. No rights from defective performance can be asserted for gifts and other free-of-charge benefits provided entirely free of charge.
  11. The provisions of this Article do not affect any rights of the Buyer arising from the warranty provided by the manufacturer of the goods different from the Seller; in such a case, the warranty rights are governed by the manufacturer's rules.

X. Final Provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions are freely available on the website and the Buyer can archive and reproduce them, especially by printing the relevant website page, downloading and saving the file in Portable Document Format (pdf) via the following link: … or by saving the file containing these Terms and Conditions, which the Seller will send to the Buyer as an attachment to the email confirming the Agreement.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions. The Seller will inform the Buyer about changes to the Terms and Conditions on the website, or in another suitable manner, so that the Buyer can familiarize themselves with the current version of the Terms and Conditions without undue difficulty. This provision does not affect the rights and obligations arising during the validity of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions.
  3. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is invalid or contrary to the legal order of the Czech Republic, the remaining provisions remain unaffected by this invalidity.
  4. An appendix to these Terms and Conditions is the Withdrawal Form.
  5. These conditions are effective from 1.7.2024.


  • Withdrawal Form (pdf)